Layout layout


Zebra-ui provides two components, z-row and z-col, for row and column layout.

Code Demo

Basic usage

The Layout component provides a 24-column grid, and the percentage of width occupied by the columns is set by adding the span attribute on Col. Additionally, adding the offset property sets the offset width of the column, calculated in the same way as span.

   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>
   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>
   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>

   <z-col span="4">span: 4</z-col>
   <z-col span="10" offset="4">offset: 4, span: 10</z-col>

   <z-col offset="12" span="12">offset: 12, span: 12</z-col>

Set column element spacing

The spacing between column elements can be set through the gutter attribute. The default spacing is 0.

<z-row gutter="20">
   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>
   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>
   <z-col span="8">span: 8</z-col>

Vertical spacing

If you need to set vertical spacing, you can use array form to set [horizontal spacing, vertical spacing].

<!-- Set vertical spacing -->
<z-row :gutter="[20, 20]">
   <z-col span="12">span: 12</z-col>
   <z-col span="12">span: 12</z-col>
   <z-col span="12">span: 12</z-col>
   <z-col span="12">span: 12</z-col>


The alignment of content on the main axis can be set through the justify property, which is equivalent to the justify-content property in flex layout.

<!-- Center -->
<z-row justify="center">
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>

<!-- Right aligned -->
<z-row justify="end">
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>

<!-- Align both ends -->
<z-row justify="space-between">
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>

<!-- Each element is equally spaced on both sides -->
<z-row justify="space-around">
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>
   <z-col span="6">span: 6</z-col>


Row Props

ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
gutterSpacing between column elements (in px)number | string | Array-
justifyMain axis alignment, optional values are end center
space-around space-between
aligncross-axis alignment, optional values are center bottomstringtop
wrapWhether to wrap lines automaticallybooleantrue

Col Props

ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
spanColumn element widthnumber | string-
offsetColumn element offset distancenumber | string-

Row Events

Event nameDescriptionCallback parameters
clickTriggered when clickedevent

Col Events

Event nameDescriptionCallback parameters
clickTriggered when clickedevent