Form form


Used for data entry and verification. It supports input boxes, radio boxes, check boxes, file uploads, etc. It needs to be used in conjunction with the Field input box component.

Code Demo

Basic usage

In the form, each Field component represents a form item, and the validation rules are defined using the rules attribute of the Field.

<z-form ref="formBasic" @submit="onSubmitBasic">
     :rules="[{ required: true, message: 'Please fill in your username' }]"
     :rules="[{ required: true, message: 'Please fill in your password' }]"
<view class="button">
   <z-button block type="primary" @click="submitFormBasic">
import { ref } from 'vue';
const username = ref('')
const password = ref('')
const onSubmitBasic = (values: any) => {
   console.log('submit', values)
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.demo-form {
   .button {
     margin-top: 20rpx;

Verification rules

Define form validation rules through rules. All available fields are shown in table below.

<z-form @failed="onFailed">
   <z-cell-group inset>
     <!-- Regularity verification through pattern -->
       placeholder="Regular check"
       :rules="[{ pattern, message: 'Please enter the correct content' }]"
     <!-- Function verification through validator -->
       placeholder="function check"
       :rules="[{ validator, message: 'Please enter the correct content' }]"
     <!-- Return error message through validator -->
       placeholder="The verification function returns an error message"
       :rules="[{ validator: validatorMessage }]"
     <!-- Asynchronous function verification through validator -->
       placeholder="Asynchronous function verification"
       :rules="[{ validator: asyncValidator, message: 'Please enter the correct content' }]"
   <div style="margin: 16px;">
     <z-button round block type="primary" native-type="submit">
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useToast } from '../../uni_modules/zebra-ui'
const toast = useToast()
const value1 = ref('')
const value2 = ref('')
const value3 = ref('abc')
const value4 = ref('')
const pattern = /\d{6}/
const validator = (val: any) => /1\d{10}/.test(val)
const validatorMessage = (val: any) => `${val} is illegal, please re-enter`
const asyncValidator = (val: any) =>
   new Promise((resolve) => {

     setTimeout(() => {
       resolve(val === '1234')
     }, 1000)
const onFailed = (errorInfo: any) => {
   console.log('failed', errorInfo)

Form item type - switch

Use the Switch component in your form.

<z-field name="switch" label="switch">
   <template #input>
     <z-switch v-model="switchChecked" />

Form item type - checkbox

Use the Checkbox component in your form.

<z-field name="checkbox" label="checkbox">
   <template #input>
     <z-checkbox v-model="checked" shape="square" />
<z-field name="checkboxGroup" label="checkbox group">
   <template #input>
     <z-checkbox-group v-model="groupChecked" direction="horizontal">
       <z-checkbox name="1" shape="square">Checkbox 1</z-checkbox>
       <z-checkbox name="2" shape="square">Checkbox 2</z-checkbox>

Form item type - radio button

Use the Radio component in your form.

<z-field name="radio" label="radio button">
   <template #input>
     <z-radio-group v-model="checked" direction="horizontal">
       <z-radio name="1">Radio button 1</z-radio>
       <z-radio name="2">Radio button 2</z-radio>

Form item type - stepper

Use the Stepper component in your form.

<z-field name="stepper" label="Stepper">
   <template #input>
     <z-stepper v-model="value" />

Form Item Type - Rating

Use the Rate component in your form.

<z-field name="rate" label="rating">
   <template #input>
     <z-rate v-model="value" />

Form Item Type - Slider

Use the Slider component in your form.

<z-field name="slider" label="Slider">
   <template #input>
     <z-slider v-model="value" />

Form item type - file upload

Use the Uploader component in your form.

<z-field name="uploader" label="File upload">
   <template #input>
     <z-uploader v-model="value" />

Form item type - selector

Use the Picker component in your form.

   placeholder="Click to select city"
   @click="showPicker = true"
<z-popup v-model:show="showPicker" position="bottom">
     @cancel="showPicker = false"

Form Item Type - Date Picker

Use the DatePicker component in your form.

   label="Time selection"
   placeholder="Click to select time"
   @click="showPicker = true"
<z-popup v-model:show="showPicker" position="bottom">
   <z-date-picker @confirm="onConfirm" @cancel="showPicker = false" />

Form item type - Province and city selector

Use the Area component in your form.

<z-field v-model="result"
   label="region selection"
   placeholder="Click to select province and city"
   @click="showArea = true"
<z-popup v-model:show="showArea" position="bottom">
     @cancel="showArea = false"

Form Item Type - Calendar

Use the Calendar component in your form.

   placeholder="Click to select date"
   @click="showCalendar = true"
<z-calendar v-model:show="showCalendar" @confirm="onConfirm" />



ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
label-widthForm item label width, default unit is pxnumber | string6.2em
label-alignForm item label alignment, optional values are center right topstringleft
input-alignInput box alignment, optional values are center rightstringleft
error-message-alignError text alignment, optional values are center rightstringleft
validate-triggerForm verification trigger timing, optional values ​​are onChange, onSubmit, supports setting multiple values ​​at the same time through arrays, specific usage is shown in the table belowstring | stringonBlur
colonWhether to add a colon after labelbooleanfalse
disabledWhether to disable all input boxes in the formbooleanfalse
readonlyWhether to set all input boxes in the form to read-onlybooleanfalse
requiredWhether to display the form required asteriskboolean | 'auto'null
validate-firstWhether to stop verification when a certain verification item failsbooleanfalse
scroll-to-errorWhether to scroll to the wrong form item when the form is submitted and validation failsbooleanfalse
show-errorWhether to mark the input box red when the verification failsbooleanfalse
show-error-messageWhether to display an error message below the input box when the verification failsbooleantrue
submit-on-enterWhether to submit the form when the enter key is pressedbooleantrue

For the API of form items, see: Field component

Rule data structure

Validation rules can be defined using the rules attribute of Field. The optional attributes are as follows:

Key nameDescriptionType
requiredWhether it is a required field. When the value is a null value (empty string, empty array, false, undefined, null), the verification failsboolean
messageError message copy, which can be set as a function to return dynamic copy contentstring | (value, rule) => string
validatorVerify through functions, you can return a Promise for asynchronous verification(value, rule) => boolean | string | Promise
patternVerification is performed through regular expressions. If the regular expression cannot be matched, the verification failsRegExp
triggerSet the triggering time of this rule. The priority is higher than the validate-trigger attribute set by the Form component. The optional values are onChange, onBlur, onSubmitstring | string
formatterFormatting function, converts the value of the form item and then verifies it(value, rule) => any
validateEmptySet whether validator and pattern should be used to verify empty values. The default value is true and can be set to false to disable this behaviorboolean

validate-trigger optional value

The trigger timing of form validation can be customized through the validate-trigger attribute.

onSubmitValidation is only triggered when the form is submitted
onBlurTrigger validation when the form is submitted and the input box is out of focus
onChangeTrigger verification when the form is submitted and the content of the input box changes


Event nameDescriptionCallback parameters
submitTriggered after the form is submitted and verification passesvalues: object
failedTriggered after the form is submitted and verification failserrorInfo: { values: object, errors: object }


Through ref, you can get the Form instance and call instance methods.

Method nameDescriptionParametersReturn value
submitSubmit the form, which is equivalent to clicking the submit button--
getValuesGet the current values of all form items-Record<string, unknown>
validateValidation form, supports passing in one or more name to validate single or partial form items. When name is not passed in, all form items will be verifiedname?: string | stringPromise <void>
resetValidationReset the validation prompt of form items. It supports passing in one or more name to reset single or partial form items. If name is not passed in, all form items will be reset_name?: string \string_
getValidationStatusGet the validation status of all form items, the status includes passed, failed, unvalidated-Record<string, FieldValidationStatus>


defaultform content