ConfigProvider global configuration


Used to globally configure zebra-ui components, providing dark mode, theme customization and other capabilities.

Dark mode

Turn on dark mode

Set the theme attribute of the ConfigProvider component to dark to enable dark mode.

Dark mode will take effect globally, making all zebra components on the page dark.

<z-config-provider theme="dark">...</z-config-provider>

It is worth noting that turning on zebra's dark mode will only affect the UI of the zebra component and will not affect the global text color or background color. You can refer to the following CSS to set some global styles:

.z-theme-dark {
   --zebra-background: #202124;
   --zebra-shadow-background1: #0d0d0e;
   --zebra-shadow-background2: #33353a;
   --zebra-text-color: #f5f5f5;
   --z-text-color-2: #707070;
   --z-line-color: #666;

Dynamic switching

You can switch between light and dark styles by dynamically setting the theme attribute. The DemoPage of the sample project provides usage methods

<z-config-provider :theme="theme">
   <view class="demo-page" :style="pageStyle" @click="pageClick">
   <z-notify custom-navbar></z-notify>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { computed } from 'vue'
// @ts-ignore
import { useThemeStore } from '../../store'
const store = useThemeStore()
const props = defineProps({
   showHeader: {
     type: Boolean,
     default: true
   title: {
     type: String,
     default: 'zebra-ui'
const theme = computed(() => {
   return store.theme

const pageStyle = computed(() => {
   return {
     'min-height': `calc(100vh - 88rpx - env(safe-area-inset-top) - ${uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight}px)`

const pageClick = () => {

Custom theme


Zebra components organize styles through rich CSS variables. By overriding these CSS variables, you can achieve customized themes and dynamics. Switch theme** and other effects.


Taking the Button component as an example, looking at the style of the component, you can see that the following variables exist on the .z-button--primary class name:

.z-button--primary {
   color: var(--z-button-primary-color);
   background-color: var(--z-button-primary-background);

The default values of these variables are defined on the :root node (the applet is defined on the page node), and all child nodes in the component can access these variables:

page {
   --z-white: #fff;
   --z-blue: #1989fa;
   --z-button-primary-color: var(--z-white);
   --z-button-primary-background: var(--z-primary-color);

Custom CSS variables

Override via ConfigProvider

The ConfigProvider component provides the ability to override CSS variables. You need to wrap a ConfigProvider component in the root node and configure some theme variables through the theme-vars attribute.

<z-config-provider :theme-vars="themeVars">
      <z-field name="rate" label="rating">
        <template #input>
          <z-rate v-model="rate" />
      <z-field name="slider" label="Slider">
        <template #input>
          <z-slider v-model="slider" />
      <view style="margin: 32rpx">
        <z-button block type="primary"> Submit </z-button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
const rate = ref(4)
const slider = ref(50)
const themeVars = {
   rateIconFullColor: '#07c160',
   sliderBarHeight: '8rpx',
   sliderButtonWidth: '40rpx',
   sliderButtonHeight: '40rpx',
   sliderActiveBackground: '#07c160',
   buttonPrimaryBackground: '#07c160',
   buttonPrimaryBorderColor: '#07c160'

Combine dark mode with CSS variables

If you need to define CSS variables in dark mode or light mode separately, you can use the theme-vars-dark and theme-vars-light properties.

  • theme-vars-dark: CSS variables that only take effect in dark mode, have higher priority than variables defined in theme-vars.
  • theme-vars-light: CSS variables that only take effect in light mode, have higher priority than variables defined in theme-vars.


Taking the buttonPrimaryBackground variable below as an example, the value in dark mode is blue and the value in light mode is green.

import { ref, reactive } from 'vue';

export default {
   setup() {
     const themeVars = reactive({ buttonPrimaryBackground: 'red' });
     const themeVarsDark = reactive({ buttonPrimaryBackground: 'blue' });
     const themeVarsLight = reactive({ buttonPrimaryBackground: 'green' });

     return {

Use class name

In addition, you can also use the two class name selectors .z-theme-light and .z-theme-dark to individually modify the base variables and component variables in light or dark mode.

.z-theme-light {
   --z-white: white;

.z-theme-dark {
   --z-white: black;

Topic variables

Variable type

CSS variables in zebra are divided into basic variables and component variables. Component variables inherit the base variables, so modifying the base variables will affect all related components.

Modify variables

CSS variables have an inheritance relationship, and component variables will look for the nearest parent base variable for inheritance.

It is recommended to use uniapp's unique page selector and declare it in App.vue to achieve global coverage.

Take the basic variable --z-primary-color as an example:

<!-- App.vue -->
export default {
   onLaunch: function () {},
   onShow: function () {},
   onHide: function () {}

<style lang="scss">
@import './uni_modules/zebra-ui/index';
@import './common/style/var';
@import './common/style/icon.css';

::-webkit-scrollbar {
   width: 0;
   background: transparent;

page {
   --z-primary-color: red;

Basic variable list

Here are all the basic variables:

   // Color Palette
   --z-black: #000;
   --z-white: #fff;
   --z-gray-1: #f7f8fa;
   --z-gray-2: #f2f3f5;
   --z-gray-3: #ebedf0;
   --z-gray-4: #dcdee0;
   --z-gray-5: #c8c9cc;
   --z-gray-6: #969799;
   --z-gray-7: #646566;
   --z-gray-8: #323233;
   --z-red: #ee0a24;
   --z-blue: #1989fa;
   --z-orange: #ff976a;
   --z-orange-dark: #ed6a0c;
   --z-orange-light: #fffbe8;
   --z-green: #07c160;

   // Gradient Colors
   --z-gradient-red: linear-gradient(to right, #ff6034, #ee0a24);
   --z-gradient-orange: linear-gradient(to right, #ffd01e, #ff8917);

   //Component Colors
   --z-primary-color: var(--z-blue);
   --z-success-color: var(--z-green);
   --z-danger-color: var(--z-red);
   --z-warning-color: var(--z-orange);
   --z-text-color: var(--z-gray-8);
   --z-text-color-2: var(--z-gray-6);
   --z-text-color-3: var(--z-gray-5);
   --z-active-color: var(--z-gray-2);
   --z-active-opacity: 0.6;
   --z-disabled-opacity: 0.5;
   --z-background: var(--z-gray-1);
   --z-background-2: var(--z-white);
   --z-background-3: var(--z-white);

   // Padding
   --z-padding-base: 8rpx;
   --z-padding-xs: 16rpx;
   --z-padding-sm: 24rpx;
   --z-padding-md: 32rpx;
   --z-padding-lg: 48rpx;
   --z-padding-xl: 64rpx;

   // Font
   --z-font-bold: 600;
   --z-font-size-xs: 20rpx;
   --z-font-size-sm: 24rpx;
   --z-font-size-md: 26rpx;
   --z-font-size-cx: 28rpx;
   --z-font-size-lg: 32rpx;
   --z-line-height-xs: 26rpx;
   --z-line-height-sm: 36rpx;
   --z-line-height-md: 40rpx;
   --z-line-height-lg: 44rpx;
   /* stylelint-disable */
   --z-base-font: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica,
     Segoe UI, Arial, Roboto, 'PingFang SC', 'miui', 'Hiragino Sans GB',
     'Microsoft Yahei', sans-serif;
   --z-price-font: avenir-heavy, 'PingFang SC', helvetica neue, arial, sans-serif;
   /* stylelint-enable */

   // Animation
   --z-duration-base: 0.3s;
   --z-duration-fast: 0.2s;
   --z-ease-out: ease-out;
   --z-ease-in: ease-in;

   // Border
   --z-border-color: var(--z-gray-3);
   --z-border-width: 2rpx;
   --z-radius-sm: 4rpx;
   --z-radius-md: 8rpx;
   --z-radius-lg: 16rpx;
   --z-radius-max: 1998rpx;

You can view component variables in the table at the bottom of each component's documentation.



ParametersDescriptionTypeDefault value
themeTheme style, set to dark to enable dark mode, effective globallyConfigProviderThemelight
theme-varsCustom theme variables, local effectobject-
theme-vars-darkTheme variables that only take effect in dark mode, have higher priority than theme-varsobject-
theme-vars-lightTheme variables that only take effect in light mode, have higher priority than theme-varsobject-
z-indexSet the z-index of all pop-up components. This property takes effect globallynumber2000
icon-prefixThe class name prefix of all icons, equivalent to the class-prefix attribute of the Icon componentstringz-icon